Beauty 2U
Beauty Therapist
Lisa Jay Keyver-Yelland I.I.H.H.T.
North Yorkshire – York – Selby – Drax
Foot massage treatment to aid relaxation, promote balance and wellbeing, enhancing the body’s performance (45 mins)
Swedish Massage
Full Body Massage (50 mins)
Back Shoulder and Neck Massage (30 mins)
Relaxing, toning massage to relieve everyday aches and pains
Aromatherapy Massage
Full Body Massage (50 mins)
Back Shoulder and Neck Massage (30 mins)
Massage treatment using a blend of aromatherapy oils chosen to meet your specific requirements. Wonderfully de-stressing, relaxing, uplifting and aromatic
Indian Head Massage
Head, neck and shoulder massage to aid relaxation and stress relief and to promote a feeling of wellbeing (30 mins)
Hands on healing which helps balance physical and emotional levels. It energises and heals and will compliment other healthcare and medical treatments. It speeds the healing process and minimises side effects
Sports Massage (pre, general & post)
Full Body Massage (50 mins)
Back Massage (30 mins)
A deep muscular massage which can remove waste, reduce pain and help maintain muscle and joint function and prevent inflamation. All massage treatments are tailored to meet your specific requirements
Hot Stone Therapy
Full Body Massage (50 mins)
Back Shoulder and Neck Massage (30 mins)
A warming, calming and soothing treatment releasing tension and toxins
Hopi Ear
A gentle and effective way to help relieve sinusitis, rhinitis, glue eara, headaches, compacted wax, migrane, mild hearing loss due to excessive wax and many symptoms associated with stress